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LMU Law Scholarships

当经济拮据阻止一个有前途的学生进入法学院时,每个人都是输家. LMU Law is pleased to provide substantial merit-based scholarships. Scholarships are reserved for students with superior academic backgrounds, outstanding leadership qualities, a track record of community service, need, and other qualities worthy of recognition. 这些经济奖励认可每个接受者在我们项目中的成功潜力,并将记入他们的学费.

我们致力于消除阻碍学生从法律教育中获益的经济障碍. 被录取的学生应该能够就读并留在LMU法学院,而不考虑个人经济状况. To this end, 我们坚定地致力于确保没有足够经济资源的被录取学生有平等的机会. 每个申请人的档案都将被考虑为奖学金机会,因为它被考虑入学.

录取和奖学金的决定是基于对每个申请人文件的全面审查. 而申请人的法学院入学考试(LSAT)分数和累积本科平均成绩(GPA)在录取决定中占据重要地位, 在做出录取和奖学金推荐/决定时,会考虑多种因素. Among the factors considered are the breadth and difficulty of academic background, diversity, military service, fulfillment of the University's mission, advanced academic degrees awarded, extracurricular and community activities, leadership roles assumed or earned, participation in collegiate athletics, participation in volunteer experiences, personal background, and any other pertinent information provided by the applicant.

Subject to eligibility, 在读学生可以在每学年结束时申请新的和/或额外的奖学金.

LMU Law Scholarship Guarantee

从2016年开始,任何授予入学法律专业学生的奖学金都将续签 automatically 只要学生在学术上保持良好的地位,并在他或她被录取的课程的年限内毕业. To remain in good academic standing, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.000.

External Scholarship Opportunities

In addition to the generous scholarships LMU Law provides, numerous outside/external scholarship opportunities exist. Most of them can be found through the AccessLex Scholarship Database.

For applicants who may be considering a career in the area of civil rights, 我们希望你知道全国有色人种协进会(NAACP)提供的奖学金机会. The Marshall-Motley Scholars Program (MMSP) 全国有色人种协进会法律辩护和教育基金(LDF)承诺的下一阶段是寻找并投资于那些有强烈个人愿望在南方实现种族正义的聪明人吗.

The program guarantees a debt-free educational experience as well as internships, fellowships, and trainings for law students who seek to defend and empower Black communities. Over the next five years, MMSP将投资成立一支由50名民权律师组成的队伍,代表南方黑人社区争取种族正义.

Scholars who demonstrate a commitment to this mission will be afforded:

  • A full law school scholarship for tuition, room and board, and incidentals;
  • Summer internships with national and regional civil rights organizations;
  • Two-year postgraduate fellowship at civil rights law organizations in the South; and
  • Access to special trainings sponsored by the NAACP's LDF.

Given LDF's history and our ongoing commitment to racial justice, we strongly encourage those who identify as Black/African American, those who have attended a historically Black college or university, and those with strong ties to the communities we seek to serve in the South to apply.

Prospective students can obtain additional information about the program on the MSSP website including information about the MSSP application process.


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